Munission EMSx

Munission EMSx

Life Saving Data Securely on Demand for EMS

Emergency Preparedness Increases Efficiency and Effectiveness

Preparing for an emergency is the best way to improve outcomes of the emergency.  And having quick access to critical patient information as EMS personnel approach the patient can save lives.

Introducing Munission EMSx, a software solution designed to put critical medical data at the fingertips of EMS professionals, when it matters most.

What is EMSx?

The EMSx is a web-based software system for personal health management, combined with a quick-access device for EMS personnel to be able to view critical health information at the time of an emergency.  Citizens can maintain all their health records online in a single place, and share critical medical information with EMS personnel for use in an emergency.

How Does it Work?

  1. In preparation for potential emergencies, citizens pre-load their critical medical information into a secure database
  2. The medical information is securely accessed by Emergency Personnel at the time of an emergency by scanning a button – either a QR Code or an NFC tag on a card or bracelet, refrigerator magnet.

The critical patient facts are immediately retrieved and displayed on a cell phone or tablet of the EMS professional, providing critical, potentially life-saving information at the time of the emergency.

Each critical field is annotated with a “last updated” designation.  So you know if you are looking at up-to-date information or obsolete information.

EMSx Platform Can answer these questions:

  1. Is there a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order in place?
  2. What medical conditions and recent diagnoses has this patient had?
  3. Who are the Emergency Contacts?
  4. Who is the patient’s doctor and preferred medical facility?
  5. What medications has this patient taken?

Emergency Personnel can access critical, up-to-date patient information quickly and securely.

Community Health is a Critical Municipal Service

Top communities across the country are looking for ways to create and promote a healthy living environment for their citizens.  Services ranging from parks and recreation offerings, bike trails, community recreation centers, senior centers, and health-related events (walks or runs) all promote good health.  In addition, Emergency Services are available to help care for citizens when issues arise.

EMSx allows you to add to your municipal offerings, by providing to your citizens an online Personal Health Manager, so that they can track their health records, and keep all their records in one place.  These records range from medical history, to emergency contacts, to medicine tracking, to information critical in the event of an emergency.

Citizens can share some of these records with people who need to know: family members and EMS personnel.


The benefits to the community are:

  1. Promotes healthy living and emergency preparedness
  2. Online Personal Health Manager software for Citizens
  3. More efficient and effective emergency services
  4. Potential revenue source for the community

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